Scholarly Articles & Chapters (Selected)
McCorkel, Jill. Forthcoming. “Abolition and Family Violence: Strategies for Prevention and Intervention.” In Theories of Family Violence, edited by Angela Hattery and Earl Smith. New York: Springer.
McCorkel, Jill and LaTonya Myers. Forthcoming. “Understanding the Gender Gap in Exonerations from the Perspective of Incarcerated Women.” In DCS Handbook on Corrections and Sentencing Volume 10 Lessons from Lived Experience, edited by Christopher Dum, Jamie Fader, Thomas LeBel, and Kevin Wright. New York: Routledge.
McCorkel, Jill. 2022. “The Rise, the Fall, and the Reinvention of the Prison Ethnography.” In Oxford Handbook on Ethnographies of Crime and Criminal Justice, edited by Sandra Bucerius, Kevin Haggerty, and Luca Berardi. New York: Oxford University Press.
McCorkel, Jill. 2020. “A Revolution in Prosecution: The Campaign to End Mass Incarceration in Philadelphia.” In Routledge Handbook on Public Criminologies, edited by Kathryn Henne and Rita Shah. New York: Routledge.
McCorkel, Jill and Robert DeFina. 2019. “Beyond Recidivism: Identifying the Liberatory Possibilities of Prison Higher Education.” Critical Education 10(7).
McCorkel, Jill. 2018. “Banking on Rehab: Private Prison Vendors and the Reconfiguration of Mass Incarceration.” Studies in Law, Politics, & Society 77:49-67.
McCorkel, Jill and Anna DalCortivo. 2018. “Prison Tourism in the Era of Mass Incarceration.” Contexts 17(3):63-65.
Aiello, Brittnie and Jill McCorkel. 2018. “’It Will Crush You Like a Bug’: Maternal Incarceration, Secondary Prisonization, and Children’s Visitation.” Punishment & Society 20(3):351-374.
McCorkel, Jill. 2017. “The Second Coming: Gender, Race, and Carceral Drug Treatment.” Contemporary Drug Problems. 44(4):286-300.
McCorkel, Jill. 2017. “State Violence Against Black Women: Gender, Punishment, and the Making of Jim Crow Modernity.” Women’s Review of Books 34(3):14-15.
Becker, Sarah and Jill McCorkel. 2011. “The Gender of Criminal Opportunity: The Impact of Male Co-Offenders On Women’s Crime.” Feminist Criminology 6(2):79-110.
McCorkel, Jill and Jason Rodriquez. 2009. “Are You an African? The Politics of Self Construction in Status-Based Social Movements.” Social Problems 56(2):357-384.
McCorkel, Jill. 2007. “When the Stakes are Life and Death: The Promise and Peril of Public Sociology in Capital Cases.” In Criminal Justice Research and Practice, edited by Susan Miller. Boston: Northeastern University Press. Pp. 76 – 91.
McCorkel, Jill. 2005. “Rentin’ Out Your Head.” Contexts 4(2):58 – 59.
McCorkel, Jill. 2005. “Overlooking the Obvious: Comments on the National Commission on Safety and Abuse in America’s Prisons.” Women, Girls, and Criminal Justice 6(4):49-51.
McCorkel, Jill. 2004. “Criminally Dependent? Gender, Punishment, and the Rhetoric of Welfare Reform.” Social Politics 11(3):386 – 410.
McCorkel, Jill. 2003. “Embodied Surveillance and the Gendering of Punishment.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 32(1): 41-76.
McCorkel, Jill and Kristen Myers. 2003. “What Difference Does Difference Make? Position and Privilege in the Field.” Qualitative Sociology 26(2): 199-231.
McCorkel, Jill, Frederika Schmitt, and Valerie Hans. 2001. “Gender, Law, and Justice.” In Handbooks of Law and Social Science, edited by Joseph Sanders and V. Lee Hamilton. New York: Plenum Press. Pp. 301 – 341.
McCorkel, Jill. 1998. “Going to the Crackhouse: Critical Space as a Form of Resistance in Total Institutions and Everyday Life.” Symbolic Interaction 21(3): 227-252.
McCorkel, Jill, Clifford A. Butzin, Steven S. Martin, and James A. Inciardi. 1998. “Use of Health Care Services in a Sample of Drug-Involved Offenders: A Comparison with National Norms.” American Behavioral Scientist 41(8): 1079-1089.
McCorkel, Jill, Lana Harrison, and James A. Inciardi. 1998. “How Treatment is Constructed Among Graduates and Dropouts of a Prison Therapeutic Community for Women.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 27(3/4): 37-59.
Lockwood, Dorothy, Jill McCorkel, and James A. Inciardi. 1998. “Developing Comprehensive, Prison-Based Therapeutic Community Treatment for Women.” Drugs & Society 13(1/2): 193-211.
McCorkel, Jill. 1996. “Justice, Gender, and Incarceration: An Overview and Analysis of the Leniency/Severity Debate.” In Examining the Justice Process, edited by James A. Inciardi. Fort Worth, Texas: Harcourt Brace. Pp. 157 – 176.